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Выпуск 3, 2019 год

Leparoux M., Minier P., Anand A. The online influencers strategies and their impact on consumers decision process.

Social media influencers have emerged on social networks over the past few decades. It is significant that they have increased and now play a crucial role in shaping the process of consumer decision-making. This research aims to understand and investigate how customers react and how influencers shape their approaches in order to achieve the demands and needs of their followers. The methodology adopted is both quantitative and qualitative. Key findings reveal that influencers have an impact through their recommendations in the followers’ purchase intention process. Additionally, the research indicates that the trust driven by influencers is increasingly questioned by followers who feel “unauthenticity” and believe their influence can lead to our society’s becoming “standardized”. This research that includes two methods is useful as we have analyzed the relationship between followers and influencers. Even though the influencers phenomena are quite recent, this research is valuable for firms as it clearly demonstrates how and why influencers impact consumers’ behavior. It can also inform society about this current trend and how it could influence the consumers’ decision-making process. Keywords: influencers, social media, social media influencers, consumer behavior, influencer marketing, lifestyle, society.

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